Sustainability’s technical specialists and lead auditors are registered with the International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) to assist gold mining, transportation and manufacturing in achieving and verifying compliance with the International Cyanide Management Code (ICMC).
With a 10-year history spanning Australia, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Thailand, Papa New Guinea and Laos, Sustainability has developed an efficient audit process which is delivered by our leading practitioners. These experts hold technical specialisations in Metallurgy, Environmental Science, Health and Safety.
Our primary focus is to provide our clients with concise and clear advice, audit findings, actions and verification to meet the requirements for certification against the code. These audit findings look to identify any non-conformances which may prevent the site achieving full compliance.
Recent audits in 2018 include; St Ives Gold Mine, Granny Smith Gold Mine, Agnew Gold Mine, Qube Bulk (transport), Tanami Gold Mine, Gosowong Mine, KCGM Fimiston and Gidji Gold Mines, Gosowong Mine and Cowal Gold Mine.
The ICMC is an initiative for gold and silver mining and transporters of cyanide to improve cyanide management, assist in the protection of human health and reduce environmental impacts.