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Sustainability has significant experience in compliance auditing to the International Cyanide Management Code, with the Code being a voluntary initiative for the gold mining industry and the producers and transporters of cyanide substances.  The Cyanide Code focuses specifically on the safe management of cyanide that is used for the recovery of gold, and on mill tailings and leach solutions.

By taking part in a voluntary Cyanide Code Audit, a mining company is able to demonstrate their commitment to being socially responsible and environmentally aware.

Sustainability regularly conduct Cyanide Code Audits and recently undertook work on the Ivory Coast in Africa, completing a Gap Analysis audit of Newcrest’s Bonikro mine site against the requirements of the Cyanide Code.

The visit included a site inspection, interviews with site personnel and a review of operational documentation and was completed in order to determine the level of effort needed to achieve Cyanide Code compliance if Newcrest chose to nominate Bonikro as a signatory to the Code.

Sustainability’s assessment of the site allowed Newcrest to make an informed decision of the risks and benefits associated with nominating Bonikro as a signatory.

Contact Sustainability to find out how we can assist your company complete a Cyanide Code Audit.Cyanide2