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In October 2016, Sustainability was engaged by the EBRD as the Independent Environmental and Social Consultant (IESC) to conduct the environmental and social due diligence (ESDD) of the TANAP Project in Turkey. The TANAP Project involves a 1,850km pipeline to facilitate the transport of natural gas produced from the Shah Deniz Phase II gas development in Azerbaijan to Turkey and thereon to Europe. The TANAP Project will connect the South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion Project in Georgia to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) Project, which extends through Greece and Albania and across the Adriatic Sea to southern Italy.

Sustainability, as the IESC, provided independent review, assessment, and comment on the TANAP Project’s compliance with EBRD standards for the purposes of Project financing. This included advising the EBRD on the adequacy of the Project’s environmental and social assessments, management and mitigation controls and monitoring measures against EBRD standards and national requirements.

Sustainability’s team of international and local specialists completed a detailed review and site reconnaissance along the pipeline construction,  inspecting the pipeline at key locations to determine how the Project environmental and social programs were being applied.

Sustainability’s Due Diligence Report and associated Environmental and Social Action Plan were delivered to the satisfaction of the EBRD and TANAP in June 2017.

See link for the public disclosure of the ESDD and ESAP on the EBRD website: