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Centerra Gold Inc., contracted Sustainability in 2015 to develop a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and prepare the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Disclosure Package for the Gatsuurt Gold Project in Mongolia. The SIA and Disclosure Package were completed in 2016 to meet European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) environmental and social sustainability standards associated with project financing.

The SIA comprised the conduct of a Social Baseline Study for the Gatsuurt Project with sub-consultants, the Population Teaching and Research Centre (PTRC) in Mongolia, and thereafter the development of the Project’s Social Impact Assessment and Management Plans for its proposed construction, operations and closure.

Sustainability worked with the EBRD and Centerra to prepare the ESIA disclosure package documents which communicated to a broad audience the environmental and social impacts and management strategies for the Project and clearly stated how negative impacts were avoided or appropriately mitigated or minimised, and positive impacts enhanced. In order to prepare these documents, Sustainability reviewed and consolidated previous studies and available Project information. The Disclosure Package documents were submitted to the EBRD, published and used during the Project finance public disclosure period.

Throughout the Project, Sustainability provided strategic advice to Centerra including liaison with the EBRD regarding Project conditions and issues.