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Mongolia celebrated 100 years of Mining this September, with a week-long series of presentations and exhibitions. Sustainability East Asia (SEA) joined the Supplier Expo hosted by Oyu Tolgoi LLC, to represent the biodiversity monitoring activities conducted for their environmental department. More than 100 suppliers participated in the Supplier Expo, from September 22-23.

SEA manages the workplans and deliverables of other organizations that conduct the monitoring, including the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Wildlife Science and Conservation Center of Mongolia (WSCC). Their activities were well-represented at the expo, including some animations of houbara bustard and snake eagle migrations out of Mongolia by WSCC and handouts about the Anti-Poaching and Trans Mongolian Railway Fence Removal projects led by WCS.

Nasanjargal and Baigali represented SEA at the Supplier Expo. All of the handout materials our team provided were distributed to interested attendees; of particular interest was the annual newsletter produced for the Sustainable Water Roundtable. Each supplier was given tree seedlings to participate in the tree planting campaign OT has committed to, planting 100 million trees to contribute to the national “Billion Tree” campaign. SEA will plant the trees they were given. See for more information about Mongolian Mining Week 2022.

Supplier Expo displays
Booth displaying WSCC and WCS brochures
SEA materials, including the Sustainable Water Roundtable newsletter
Baigali standing in front of the life-sized underground mine model